Never has nature said one thing and wisdom another. ~ Juvenal

There is a crispness to the air that the calendar has been announcing for weeks. Sweater weather is finally here, and if I am completely honest, I did put some Ugg boots on to keep my feet warm last night. The cooler temperatures are a signal, in a perhaps long forgotten time, to harvest what your crops produced. To take an accounting of your hard work. To examine what techniques brought more bounty and what was less effective.

While the common city dweller doesn’t practice the physical labor of harvesting what he has sown in terms of crops, it doesn’t mean the task doesn’t have merit regarding our hard work of the spring and summer. What I mean is, I tried new things this year. Last spring, I decided to “plant” new classes, relationships and ideas. I cared for and tended to them over the warmer months and some were bountiful, others dwindled. 

The cooler weather of the fall signals to nature to start drawing in and to retreat. I can see nature’s work in the falling amber leaves. In this time, I will follow natures lead and harvest the work of the warmer months and take an accounting. I want to examine what worked for me and what will sustain me in the darker, colder days of winter. I want to cull the classes, relationships and ideas which drain my personal reserves and contaminate the rest. I think of this tradition as a practice of personal refinement.

With each year and season becoming more authentically me, I can share those things most valuable in my life with others. As an attempt to refine the essence of who I am to be more effective in what I have chosen to do. I believe it is a never-ending cycle of self-awareness and life examination. My wish for you, in the spirit of autumn, is to slow down and enjoy the bounty of your work. Take a deep cool breath, go outside long enough to feel the power of natures wisdom… and come visit us for a class or workshop, we are offering a bounty of slower practices this season.




What Handstand Taught Me…


A Quieter Season